Through socio-anthropological analysis of history, politics, economics and our culture’s woldview for volunteers, collaborators and local workers, education is the gathering and reconciliation point with our past, the recognition of our cultural identities as doctrines that guide our commitment to memory, dignity and future.

Family Support Center CAF (acronym in Spanish)
Located in the Llano del Pinal Canton, Palajunoj Valley, Quetzaltenango. It is a program with more than 20 years of operation, an alternative home that works from 9 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon, Monday through Friday. It currently serves 32 children between the ages of 3 and 12, in order to provide educational, health, nutrition and recreation support. Many of the beneficiaries have started in the child nutrition program when necessary.
Its objective is to develop individual and community with the direction of well-being; as well as preventing the cycle of poverty, migration and, delinquency. Its current educators grew up in the project and are already innovative professionals, with love and belonging to the project. The collection that Fundación “Todos Juntos” (foundation that contributes financially to the maintenance of the project) makes for the CAF comes basically from the work of the project’s grandparents, Ricardo and Margot from Norway, who go to schools with friends to show the project, so that many in their country may know and contribute.
The 32 boys and girls receive food three times a day, while the children under 6 receive a local supplement to improve their growth. They also receive homework support, orchard workshops, reforestation, and student scholarships. Children collect recycling from home, have access to our children’s library, and activities such as storytelling, and photo workshops to develop their identity.
Our dream is to be a school with unconventional methodologies that integrate memory, identity, and recognition of the powerful culture that shelters them. We see in each child as a human connected to the earth and their environment with solidarity and empathy.

It is the oldest program of 32 Volcanes in which more than one hundred scholarship recipients have been accompanied in different ways each year, some from pre-primary education to their last years at university, with the aim of giving them a better future and job opportunities, but above all so that they are interested in the common good.
The scholarships are complementary, granted by foreign sponsors who, in addition to their financial contribution, place trust and affection in this process. All communication and collection is carried out by the “Todos Juntos” Foundation.
This accompaniment is possible due to the continuity and personalized support given to families, with monthly meetings, workshops, access to art and technology, to prevent the cycle of school dropouts, migration and criminal acts. Likewise, they are encouraged to lead, participate and grow together with the project, in order to develop relevance and love for their community and for the land.
Alternative education
In order to strengthen local and community skills and knowledge, we work with different workshops for beneficiaries, training for leaders such as Rural Health Technicians, Promoters, staff, volunteers, and the general population that seeks to improve their knowledge and experience in issues related to regenerative development. This is done in conjunction with our alliances and with the same capabilities and experience of the staff of 32 volcanes.
The academic director Dr. Roney Alvarado, pedagogue and anthropologist, ideologist of said training, is in charge of the base or introduction with cultural relevance for locals and foreigners. With this in mind, the empathic base, projects are made, taking in consideration knowledge and connection with the projects that have been worked on for 30 years and of which Dr. Roney himself was founder. Among the programs, five modalities are offered:
Virtual and face-to-face workshops
Courses & trainings
Academic sessions
Immersion courses
Educational material